There is a misconception that discrimination and poverty are unrelated. The circle of racism continues to repeat itself holding Black people in poverty. Our country’s economy was built on the backs of enslaved Blacks taken from Africa and continues to say in the history books that America has become better. Actually, the United States of America turned into a society full of hidden and visible modern forms of exploitation and oppression based upon race.
The justice system has structural racism built into the foundation, which started with slave militias (police) then went into the ongoing mentality of controlling Blacks as if they were second class citizens with fewer rights. According to a 2019 calculation, Black people are eight times more likely to be incarcerated for a small amount of marijuana compared to a white person with the same amount. Also, Blacks are likely to have a 20% longer sentence for committing the same crime as a white person.
The ending of mass incarceration is vital to Black communities from losing fathers and mothers and children to prison. Having a record of offenses makes it much harder for a Black person get a job and build wealth. Also having a supposed “Black” name can significantly affect one’s ability to get employed. Research has shown that employers are more likely to interview and hire a person with a “white-sounding” name than a “Black” name, due to subconscious racism.
Redlining also prevents Blacks from building wealth. Redlining supposedly not practiced anymore. In the past, redlining was due to the government’s policy of underrating the valued of properties in Black neighborhoods. Now predatory lenders target Blacks and raise their interest rates. Blacks often aren’t provided mortgages or business loans. A study in 2018 shows that Blacks are turned away from home loans more often than whites because of their race. These practices hinder economic growth.
Be a responsive philanthropist by donating to Black-led organizations
David, age 13
Freezing and devaluing the housing market in Black neighborhoods and government not investing in infrastructure improvements limits the value of the properties. The outcome of “redlined” is Black people cannot build wealth. Though the Fair Housing Act was passed over 50 years ago, loans and housing are not equally accessible. Whites always had easy access to good home loans, thus building wealth through home ownership that they can pass to their children.
The prejudicial actions and brutality of police, a corrupt justice system, employment discrimination, and redlining all causes poverty to be more prevalent among Blacks. Having any offenses on your record leads to employment difficulties. Not having a well-paying job causes poverty. Black people make almost 30% less for the same job as White people; thus reinforcing the cycle of poverty. This must stop!
Too often people attribute poverty to Blacks working less hard and having less education. These are racist ideas. For you to help, you need to inform yourself. Learn about the impacts of racism on poverty and self-esteem. Recognize how difficult it is to be Black in America and do something!
Be a responsive philanthropist by donating to Black-led organizations. Write or call local officials and ask what they are doing about racism, That is what we do in The New 3Rs. Over four hundred years of racism is intolerable, and more than any race should have to bear. Please share this information with friends and family.
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