Your Story is Our Story

Black Attack


By Safiyyah, age  7,  New York



  • Rachel Posner says:

    Your poem is so powerful. I’ve read it so many times and it has stayed with me. Expressing emotions and experiences and pain through art and writing means that you have put something into the world that wasn’t there before, and like my favorite writer, James Baldwin, said, “You write in order to change the world… The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way… people look at reality, then you can change it.” You’ve changed the world already with your poem – keep shining, Safiyyah!

  • Voyka Soto says:

    Hi Safiyyah,

    Your writing is very powerful! Thank you for sharing such a deep piece of your inner self.

    • Safiyyah says:

      Hi Ms Soto,
      Thank you for your kind comments and I hope I inspired other people to use your voice too and speak up☺️

    • Safiyyah says:

      Hi Ms Soto,
      Thank you for your kind comments and I hope I inspired other people to use their voice too and speak up☺️

  • Shelly Jones says:

    Dearest Safiyyah
    Your writing is so clear and sadly full of a truth
    That needs to be spoken. The grown ups of the world
    Should follow your example and write and shout: STOP
    And you are right to say that we are all Black Green
    Blue inside. We in the 3 R’s community love and embrace you! Keep on writing!

  • Shelly Jones says:

    Dearest Safiyyah
    Your writing is excellent and sadly full of a truth that needs to be spoken. The grown-ups of this world need to follow your brave example.
    We need to shoot as loud as we can: STOP TARGETING AND KILLING BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!!r
    You are right-“…We are all Black Green Blue-All of it inside of you…” (us) We in The 3 R’s community love and embrace you,
    Safiyyah! Keep on reading and writing and talking with your parents and friends about what’s on your mind and in your heart.
    Much love
    Shelly Jones

  • Patricia Laraia says:

    Safiyyah! Your words are powerful. It’s okay to feel scared, it’s ok to feel sad, and it’s ok to feel angry but let the grown ups deal with these problems. You are beautiful inside and out, so keep writing and expanding your mind.

    • Safiyyah says:

      Hi Ms Laraia,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I’m happy that you like my poem. I promise to keep writing and expanding my mind☺️🤗

  • Hillary Mollette says:

    Wow, Safiyyah. What a beautiful expression of the black struggle. I cherish your ability to channel your thoughts into such emotion evoking words. Please keep writing.

  • Christopher Fox says:

    I have been thinking about this all day. It is truly heartbreaking that a seven-year-old would have this on her mind. The fear and confusion, the impact on self-worth, and more — our society has to do better! We just have to be better than this!

    • Safiyyah says:

      Hi Mr Fox, Thank you so much for commenting on my poem. I think we all have to come together and do better in our community and all over America.😊👍🏾

  • Tajh says:

    Oh, beautiful baby girl. I am so sorry you have to know this reality. You are crystal clear on the Lived experiences so many people have been forced to prove or made to feel crazy for trying to express. We see and lift up your pain and are committed to doing our part as adults to address anti Blackness every place it shows up and to hold those who can’t or won’t accountable.

  • Dr. Howard Leifman says:

    Dear Safiyyah:

    You write so beautifully and it is so sad that this is the current state of our world. Please have faith, be strong and together we can fight for a better way and a safer more humane world. Sending virtual hugs.

    • Safiyyah says:

      Dear Dr Howard,
      Thank you for your kind comments and and thank you for giving me hope and faith that the futur can be better than today.
      Virtual hugs too🤗🤗🤗

  • Cheryl Wu says:

    Aww sweetie, dear Safiyyah. What a strong, vocal, and beautiful piece. I am so sorry the state of our nation led you to create this very powerful poem and illustration. You are too young to be the recipient and be aware of this. I promise I will spend the rest of my days to help all of us recognize what a horrible problem anti-Black racism and terrorism is, so when you get older, this will only be a distant memory.

    • Safiyyah says:

      Thank you Mrs. Wu for your kind comments and I also hope that when I grow up I will not see so much violence towards Black people.🤗🌈❤️

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