Your Story is Our Story

The New 3Rs Anthology


To commemorate our first year, we have developed an anthology of the powerful social justice voices of children who have contributed to our blog. Please download and share it widely!

We are also accepting blogs for 2021.

Click this link or the image below to download a copy.

Student Anthology





  • JohnK Wright V says:

    I wish we can do a better job of celebrating and incorporating all cultures, nationalities, ethnicities, gender equality, etc. into the future of our education. I appreciate Black History Month, but it needs to be included in what we teach (if possible depending upon the subject, content, lesson, etc.) the other months of the year. I wish our country would put the amount of publicity and awareness for others such as Native American Heritage, Asian American Heritage, Hispanic Heritage, etc. That is what I find fascinating about learning about the different contributions from ALL Americans in Mathematics and Science from ALL backgrounds. We have the traffic light, GPS, even the video gaming cartridge all from contributions of Black Americans. My goal is to write an online book on the History of Mathematics and try to mention other less known facts/contributions/discoveries/etc.

    I lived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia a long time ago as a kid in 8th-10th grade. The village people live in circular houses called tukels. They have wonderful textile patterns in their fabric and their baskets. Why did they and other cultures decided to make round circles as the shape instead of a square, rectangle or other shape? Did they know anything about Pi and the Circumference or surface area?

  • Eric Goldberg says:

    Tristan, I too am not Black and appreciate the New 3Rs for continuing to elevate the voices of students like you and educate us all on the real stories of our real history.

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